Monday, October 13, 2008

sumo paint distractions.

i am currently studying for my jour-350 midterm.
i will take this test tomorrow evening at six. we shall see how it goes.

a few hours into this evening's study session, i desperately needed a creative break.

miracle of miracles

after making the ugliest, blackest, most ridiculously heinous piece of digital art, i felt rejuvenated. so i went directly back to studying my flashcards.

five minutes later, i checked my facebook. (who you callin' a procrastinator?)
chris aguilar posted on my wall: "well, i wasn't strong enough to resist taking a break from my anthropology essay to draw a dinosaur on that site you just posted on your status...i'm totally holding you responsible if my paper bombs."

after a good laugh, i reassessed my priorities.
i became determined to diligently study and memorize these principles of pr concepts.

that was seven minutes ago.

now i'm blogging.
i just had to share the site with my non-existent blog audience. :)

now i'm going to check my facebook again.

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